The Mercy
Gluckstadt Ministries, Inc.
959 Woodbridge Drive
Madison MS 39110
(601) 209-6000
Use the
following link to hear the Prophecy Update held at our house
on Rosh Hoshanna, 2014. Very informative!
(from connectedtotheword.com) Passover,
Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, and Pentecost are Spring
festivals on the Jewish calendar and are counted from
the Full Moon in Nissan. All prophetic events related to
the spring festivals have been fulfilled already. These
were fulfilled at Jesus' first coming, on succssive
feast days... 1. Passover, the Lamb slain,
was the crucifixion of Jesus. 2. Unleavened
Bread was the burial of Jesus moving our sins
outside the...
camp. 3. Firstfruits, the day
after the Sabbath
after His death depicts His resurrection; the first
resurrection of
many. 4. Pentecost- 50 days from
Firstfruits; The Holy Spirit came in power, writing His
law upon our hearts. Three thousand were
saved and the Church was born.
We now live in the
parenthesis between the fulfilled Spring Festivals and
the unfulfilled Fall Festivals. Sundown September 24, 2014 marked the beginning of the
Jewish Fall festivals.
The three fall feasts are reckoned from the first day
signified by the new moon in the 7th month of Tishrei.
This is the only Holy Day marked by a new moon and is the
Feast of Trumpets; aka the Jewish New Year 5775. The Fall
Feasts will be (imo) also fulfilled on successive feast days
as were the Spring feasts. These are: 5.
Rosh Hoshana, the final awakening of the First
Resurrection will probably occur on this future feast day.
6. Day of Atonement, will probably be
fulfilled by the Second Coming of Christ on this future
feast day. 7. Feast of Tabernacles,
will be fulfilled by Jesus establishing His Millennial Reign
upon the Earth.
-AuThor (Author's note: The
date of the Rapture of the Bride remains a mystery as our
Lord intended; and as Luke 21:36 admonishes we need to
'watch and pray' that we may be ready when the Groom comes
for His Bride.) It could happen anytime; PERHAPS